Clearness committees are formed when an individual, family, or other group seeks guidance when making an important decision. When an attender is considering joining the Herndon Friends Meeting or when a couple wishes to be married under the care of the Meeting, the Ministry and Oversight Committee assumes the responsibility for setting up a clearness committee. To give direction to the discussion, specific queries or topics may be presented by the clearness committee or by the individual seeking membership or the couple requesting marriage. It is important that those participating in the clearness process approach the meeting with open hearts and minds, that sufficient time be allotted for thorough understanding and seasoning to occur, and that any encumbrance be explored to be sure that there are no conflicting obligations.
A clearness committee can also be requested by a member or attender. Situations in which clearness is sought includes such matters as conflicts, separation, divorce, career decisions, moving, and other personal decisions. The committee and the individual or group meets together in worship to seek God’s guidance. Valuable insights often result from worship-discussions in one or more sessions. Requests for a clearness committee should go to the Clerk of the Meeting or to the Clerk of Ministry and Oversight.