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Minute on Peace in Ukraine

Margaret E Fisher

Updated: Jun 29, 2024

Minutes Details: Drafted by Herndon Friends Meeting

Herndon Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends calls for the leaders of Russia to end the unjust and immoral invasion in Ukraine. This invasion has led to death, injury, forced migration, mass destruction of infrastructure and disruption of the lives of the Ukrainian people, as well as deaths of reporters, aid workers and Russian troops. We urge the United States to refrain from escalating the violence, exercise restraint, and to work with allied nations and organizations to seek peace through diplomacy and nonviolent resistance. We grieve with those affected all over the world. We urge the United States, the United Nations, and allies to aid Ukrainians in need of a place to live and material assistance.

We affirm again that war is never the answer. Lasting peace can only be achieved through peaceful means.

We unite with this statement of the Friends Committee on National Legislation:

For more than 350 years, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) has sought a world without war, actively seeking to build peace among nations and address the root causes of violence. As people of faith, we are called to show mercy and compassion to one another, to invite in the stranger, the hungry, and those who are sick. We are also called to uphold justice, advance nonviolent solutions to conflict, and promote peaceful cooperation among all peoples.

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