Your First Visit
What should I wear?
Dress is informal and comfortable.
When should I arrive?
Hymn singing begins at 10:15am, so it would be best to arrive by 10:10 or earlier.
Where do I park?
Access to parking lot behind meetinghouse is off Locust Street. If our lot is full, you may use the parking lot behind the Funeral Home, at the end of Locust Street. Please do not park in the bank parking lot.

Which door do I use?
The side door facing Locust Street.
What happens when I first enter the building?
Someone will be there to welcome you and answer questions. You may make a name tag for yourself.
Where are the restrooms?
One restroom is just on your right after you enter and another is just outside the Meeting room door.
Where do I go next?
Hymn singing takes place from 10:15 to 10:30 in the Meeting Room. The Meeting Room is straight ahead and to your right.
Where should I sit?
Sit anywhere you like. There is no assigned seating. Hymn books are available under the seats of the chairs.
When does Meeting for Worship begin?
Meeting for Worship begins with hymn singing at 10:15am, then we settle into silence around 10:30.
What if I have children with me?
Children participate in the silence for the first fifteen minutes. We welcome crying babies and wiggly children during that time even if they are too young to sit quietly. First Day School (Sunday School) classes are available for all age groups. Teachers will escort the children to their age appropriate classes at 10:45am.
What happens in Meeting for Worship?
After hymns, everyone settles into the silence. During the course of the hour, there may or may not be spoken messages.
How do I know when Meeting for Worship ends?
The Clerk shakes hands with the person next to them. Everyone present turns to those nearby and shakes their hands. The Clerk will ask each person to stand and introduce themself, sharing any joys or sorrows. The Clerk will ask if there are any announcements about Meeting activities.
Who is the Clerk and what does that mean?
The Clerk is a member of the Meeting who has been appointed by a committee of other members. The Clerk and other officers of the Meeting are appointed for a specific term of two or three years. There is no paid staff or clergy.